Whether you’re moving across town or the country, there’s a lot to think about when packing up your belongings and making a new home.

These 22 tips will help make your house move go more smoothly, so you can start enjoying your new place as soon as possible.

1. Start Early

Moving can be an overwhelming and intimidating task, but by starting the packing process early, you can ensure a smoother and less stressful experience.

Begin by sorting through your belongings and identifying which items are essential for daily living in the short term and which can be packed away immediately. This will free up space in your current home and give you a head start on the packing process. As the moving date gets closer, continue to pack non-essential items little by little each day. This systematic approach will prevent last-minute panic and save you the trouble of trying to pack everything at once.

Take advantage of this opportunity to properly label and sort all of your boxes, making it easier to unpack at your new home. Starting early may seem like an unnecessary step, but it will ultimately make for a smoother and less stressful moving experience overall. This will help reduce the stress of packing closer to the deadline; not only will you be more organised, but you’ll also have a head start on getting settled into your new home.

With these steps out of the way, you’ll have less to worry about as the moving day draws nearer. Don’t let packing become a last-minute scramble; starting early will make for a less stressful transition into your new home. Our top tip is to start early and pack non-essential items a few weeks in advance. This will help reduce the pressure as you get closer to your move date. You could even consider storing this away in a storage solution until you are ready to move.

2. Declutter

Moving can be overwhelming, but it’s the perfect chance to declutter and simplify your life.

Going through your possessions and deciding what to let go of can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly freeing. As you pack up your belongings, take some time to sort through them and ask yourself if each item brings you joy or serves a purpose in your life. Getting rid of unused items means less stress during the moving process and a fresh start in your new home.

Decluttering can also be quite therapeutic, helping you to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life, and can be a great way to make some extra money by selling your unwanted items! Or, of course, you can always donate them to a greater cause. Donating or selling items you no longer need or use can not only lighten your load during the move, but it can also bring happiness to someone else who may need those items.

3. Make a List

Moving can be a chaotic experience, with boxes piling up and the stress of adjusting to a new environment. One way to stay organised and ensure that nothing gets forgotten is to make packing lists for each room in your house. This will help you track what needs to be packed and give you peace of mind knowing that everything important has been accounted for.

When making your lists, try to be as detailed as possible, make separate categories for each of the different items, and check off the items as they are packed away. A list can also allow you to group things and then pack them together. This will save time when unpacking at your new home, as you won’t have to search through every single box to find a specific item.

Additionally, consider making a list of essential documents or valuables that need special attention during the move. As you pack items, make sure to check them off on the list to avoid accidentally packing something twice or forgetting an essential item. Planning with a packing list will help make your move go smoothly and alleviate stress in the long run.

So take a few moments before packing begins to create your lists and streamline the moving process. By creating these lists, the process of moving house can become much less overwhelming and stressful.

4. Pack One Room at a Time

Moving can be a stressful and hectic time, but following the simple tip of packing one room at a time helps to make the process less overwhelming.

Focusing on one area eliminates the temptation to procrastinate or try to pack everything at once. It also allows you to prioritise and pack only essential items, as opposed to tackling every item in each room. And, by packing a few days before your move date, you have some wiggle room in case you realise there’s something important that you forgot. This strategy makes the process less daunting and allows you to stay organised as you pack each room separately.

Plus, it’ll be easier to unpack and settle into your new space when everything is already sorted by room. This way, you can prioritise what items are truly necessary and avoid packing things that may not be needed right away. It also helps prevent situations where multiple rooms are half-packed, leading to chaos on moving days. Start with the least essential rooms, like guest bedrooms or storage areas, and pack only the essentials in each room a few days before your move date. This will give you ample time to double-check that everything is packed and fill any last-minute gaps. Taking it room by room can make packing much more manageable and help ensure a smooth move.

Our top tip is to focus on packing one room at a time and to only pack the essentials a few days before your move date. This way, you’ll have time to catch anything you may have forgotten; trust us, trying to pack everything at the last minute will only lead to added stress. Overall, packing one room at a time can make your move go smoothly and reduce stress during the process.

5. Label Everything

With all the stress of packing up your old home and settling into a new one, the last thing you want is to be rummaging through piles of unmarked boxes trying to find essential items. Taking the time to label each box with its contents and destination room will make the moving process exponentially smoother. This way, as soon as a box enters its new room, it can be immediately unpacked and placed where it belongs.

Avoid the headache and label everything before you start packing; labelling boxes can also be helpful in case of any damage during transit. Movers will know exactly what needs to be handled with care. It can also prevent damage to your belongings if you aren’t having to frantically rifle through boxes or lift them around trying to find where they go.

So save yourself some time and hassle by labelling everything before you move. It may take an extra minute or two during the packing process, but being able to quickly and easily find what you’re looking for on moving day will save time and frustration. You can rest assured that your belongings will end up in the right place, making your move a breeze.

6. Hire Professional Movers

Moving can be stressful, especially when it involves packing up all of your belongings and transporting them to a new location.

The physical strain of lifting and carrying heavy furniture and boxes can be overwhelming, not to mention the risk of injury. That’s why it’s often worth hiring professional movers to handle the heavy lifting for you. It’s important to compare quotes from multiple companies and read online reviews to ensure that you choose a reputable company with experience in providing efficient and safe moving services.

Furthermore, professional movers come equipped with specialised tools and equipment that can make the process easier, ensuring that your items are securely packed and transported without causing damage or risking injury. In the end, leaving the heavy lifting to professionals can save you time, stress, and potentially even money by avoiding accidents or damages. From packing and loading to navigating complex staircases or narrow hallways, they have the training and equipment to handle all aspects of the move.

In the end, hiring a professional moving company may cost a bit more upfront, but it’s worth it for the peace of mind and ease they provide during what can be a hectic time.

7. Change Your Address

Moving into a new house can be exciting, but it’s important not to overlook the important task of updating your address. It may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in staying organised and keeping in touch with those closest to you. In the excitement of moving into a new home, it can be easy to overlook the critical task of updating your address and contact information.

Notifying the post office is crucial for ensuring that you receive all of your mail on time while also avoiding any confusion or missed deliveries. Updating your address with family and friends is also necessary for staying in touch and connected. So as you start settling into your new home, make sure to add updating your address to your to-do list! Failure to do so can result in missed mail, unpaid bills, or even lost opportunities.

Don’t let these small steps slip through the cracks amid all the excitement; stay on top of them now to avoid headaches down the road. And don’t forget to forward any recurring subscriptions or memberships! This small effort will go a long way toward ensuring a smooth transition into your new home.

8. Unpack Gradually

Moving to a new home is an exciting adventure, but it can also be overwhelming. Many people make the mistake of trying to unpack all their boxes in one day, leading to exhaustion and frustration. A better approach is to start with the essentials: clothing and bedding for your comfort, kitchen items for meal preparation, and any necessary tools or cleaning supplies. Then, take your time to unpack the rest of your belongings over the next few days or weeks. This strategy allows you to enjoy and settle into your new home without feeling overwhelmed by the unpacking process.

Remember, just because you’ve moved into a new place doesn’t mean everything has to be perfect right away. Taking things slow and steady will prevent added stress and exhaustion. Unpacking gradually allows you to fully settle into your new home at a pace that works for you. Once those are settled, you can gradually unpack the rest of your belongings over the next few days or weeks. This allows for a less chaotic transition and gives you time to find permanent homes for everything without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

So remember to breathe and take it slow as you unpack; a bit at a time will ultimately make the process much less stressful. This will help alleviate stress and make the transition into your new home a more pleasant experience.

9. Deep Clean

Moving into a new home can be exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. As you begin to unpack and settle in, make sure to set aside some time for deep cleaning your old home.

Though wiping down surfaces and vacuuming may seem like enough, a deep clean involves getting into all the nooks and crannies that are often neglected. This can include cleaning underneath furniture, scrubbing hard-to-reach spots, and washing curtains and blankets. Trust us, you’ll feel much more at ease living in a spotless environment instead of unpacking your belongings into a dusty or cluttered space. Plus, deep cleaning now means less maintenance in the future, so roll up your sleeves and give your new place the fresh start it deserves with a thorough deep clean.

Start by dusting all surfaces, including corners, ceiling fans, and baseboards, and wiping down any appliances or furniture that may have accumulated grime during their move. Next, tackle any stains on carpets or floors, scrub bathrooms until they shine, open windows to air out any lingering odours, and complete the deep clean with an all-purpose spray on surfaces throughout the house. Not only will your new place feel cleaner and more inviting, but it will also set the tone for maintaining cleanliness in the future.

Deep cleaning will help you get the job done quickly and thoroughly, removing all of the dirt, dust, and grime from your new home, leaving it looking and feeling brand new.

10. Explore

No matter where you’ve just moved, there’s always so much to do and see in your new neighbourhood.

Moving can be a huge adjustment, but once you have settled into your new home, it’s time to start discovering the neighbourhood. One of the best ways to get familiar with your surroundings is to check out the local restaurants and businesses. Not only will you find great places to dine or shop, but it’s also a fantastic way to meet people and become part of the community.

Another option is to explore nearby parks and green spaces; take a walk or have a picnic while appreciating the natural beauty in your area. Simply taking a stroll down the street will allow you to observe and appreciate the unique atmosphere of your new neighbourhood. It can be easy to become trapped inside your new home, immersed in the process of unpacking and settling in. But amidst the chaos and stress of moving, don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore your new neighbourhood.

Get outside and discover all the hidden gems that your community has to offer, from tasty restaurants to unique local businesses to scenic walking trails. Who knows what unique discoveries await you? And who knows, maybe you’ll even make some new friends along the way.

11. Get to Know Your New Home

Moving to a new home can feel overwhelming, but taking the time to explore your new space can make all the difference in settling in comfortably.

Start by learning the layout of your home—where the bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen are located. Familiarise yourself with where important things like light switches, sockets, storage cupboards, and locks are. Take note of any special features or quirks—is there a special ventilation system or unusual storage? Once you have a basic understanding of the layout and features of your home, it will be much easier for you to navigate and make it feel like your own.

Plus, being prepared for any potential problems or emergencies can give you peace of mind as you adjust to living in your new space. So take some time to explore and get to know your new home; it’s worth the effort in the long run. Don’t forget to also check out outdoor spaces like your garden or balcony. Getting to know your new home will not only make it easier to navigate in the short term, but it can also help prevent issues or accidents down the road.

So take some time to explore and get acquainted with your new surroundings; it will pay off in the long run. It can also help prevent accidents or damage by identifying potential hazards or vulnerabilities, such as leaks or faulty wiring. Taking the time to fully explore your new home will ultimately help you feel more at ease in your new surroundings.

12. Settle Into a Routine

Making a new home can be overwhelming, but there are ways to make the transition smoother. This will help you feel more comfortable and make your new life more manageable.

Settling into a routine can help you feel more comfortable in your new surroundings and make your new life more manageable. Try to establish a routine as soon as possible after moving in. This may include things like making your bed every morning, doing a load of washing each day, or cooking dinner at the same time each evening. There’s nothing quite like settling into a new routine after moving into a new home, and it can be a challenge to get everything sorted out and organised.

Settling into a routine may take some time and effort, but it’s worth it in the long run. Having a routine in place helps bring a sense of familiarity and organisation to your new living situation, making it feel more like home. It can also help decrease stress and make daily life more manageable.

By following these tips, you’ll soon feel right at home in your new place.

13. Make New Friends

Moving to a new location can be daunting, but it also offers the opportunity to expand your social circle and make new friends. Not only can it add variety and excitement to your social life, but building relationships with diverse individuals can also broaden your perspective and enhance personal growth. So don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and cultivate new friendships in an unfamiliar place—it may just turn out to be one of the best things about moving.

Introducing yourself to your neighbours can be a great place to start, whether it’s simply saying hello when you see them outside or inviting them over for a cuppa. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but don’t be afraid to take the initiative and put yourself out there; chances are, others are also eager to make new connections. In the end, branching out and forming new friendships can enrich your life in countless ways, bringing fresh perspectives and unlimited possibilities for fun experiences together.

Additionally, having a strong support system in a new location can also make the transition smoother and help you adjust more quickly. So take advantage of this chance for fresh beginnings and make an effort to form connections with those around you. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone and try new things; you never know who you may meet or what kind of friendships you may develop.

14. Be Patient

Moving to a new home can be one of the most exciting and overwhelming experiences in life. From packing up all your belongings to adjusting to a new environment, it’s natural to experience some stress during the transition. It can be incredibly exciting, but it can also be a major source of stress.

While it may be tempting to dive in and try to make the transition as quickly as possible, it’s important to take the time to adjust. Give yourself space to settle in and explore your new surroundings if things don’t go according to plan; try not to get frustrated, and understand that it’s normal for bumps in the road to occur during a move.

It’s also essential to extend patience to those around you, including friends, family members, and movers. Remember that they are all going through their own experience with the move, and cut them some slack if they seem overwhelmed or distracted. At the end of the day, keeping a patient and positive attitude will make the entire process much smoother. Remember, good things come to those who wait! So take some deep breaths and enjoy the journey of settling into your new space. Before you know it, you’ll be feeling right at home.

Ultimately, practising patience during a move can help smooth out any challenges that arise and create a positive starting point for your new life in your new home. Patience is a virtue, and never is that more true than when you’re moving to a new home.

15. Get Organised:

A simple system helps you establish a system that works for you so you can keep your home tidy and clutter-free.

Getting organised is the perfect way to get started fresh in your new home. Here are some tips for decluttering your new home and establishing a system that works for you:

  • Start by going through each room and taking inventory of what you have to make three piles: things to keep, things to donate, and things to throw away. This will help you narrow down what you need to focus on.
  • Then, create a system that works for you. This may mean setting up specific areas for certain items, such as books in the living room or office supplies in the home office, or it may mean using baskets or containers to store certain items—whatever works for you.
  • Whether you’re investing in storage solutions or simply getting rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy, the key is to find something that makes sense for your lifestyle and stick with it.

Finally, be patient with yourself. It takes time to get settled into a new routine, but once you do, you’ll feel so much better-knowing everything has its place, so go ahead and enjoy your new home.

16. Decorate

Now that you’ve finally moved into your new home, it’s time to start making it feel like your own. Hang up some pictures, add personal touches, and make it a space you love to spend time in.

Making a house into a home takes more than just filling it with furniture; it’s about adding your personal touch to your style and making it a space that truly reflects who you are. Decorating is the perfect way to add a finishing touch to any room. You can easily find the perfect item to suit your taste and style.

From picture frames and wall art to table lamps and vases, to add a personal touch to your space. Decorations are about more than just looks; they’re also about conveying your personality and creating an inviting atmosphere in your home that you and your family will love spending time in. Not only do they add to the overall look of your space, but they can also help with things like insulation and privacy as well.

Whether you’re looking for something special to hang on your walls or simply want to add some warmth to your living space, it’s easy to find the right pieces to complement your home’s design and create an inviting atmosphere you’ll love coming home to every day. Making your house a home is all about adding personal touches that reflect your unique style.

So go ahead and decorate every room in the house and make it a place you love to call home.

17. Have Fun

This is an exciting time in your life. While it can be stressful, remember to take some time to enjoy this new chapter. Embrace the changes, and have fun exploring your new home and community.

Your new home is a blank canvas, waiting for you to make it your own. This is your chance to start fresh and create a space that truly reflects who you are. Have fun shopping for new furniture and decor, and don’t be afraid to experiment; this is your chance to make your mark.

As you settle into your new routine, be sure to take some time for yourself and do things that make you happy. Explore your new neighbourhood, find some favourite local spots, invite friends over for dinner, or go out and meet new people. However, you choose to spend your time, remember to have fun with it!

Moving to a new place can be overwhelming, but it’s important to remember to have fun with it as well. Don’t be afraid to take risks and step outside your comfort zone in this new chapter of your life. So go ahead, enjoy yourself, and make the most of this exciting time in your life.

18. Give Yourself Time

Moving to a new town or city can be an exciting, but also overwhelming, experience. Suddenly you have to navigate new streets, meet new people, and find your way around unfamiliar places. There’s so much to think about and adjust to, but it’s important to give yourself time to settle into your new home and lifestyle.

After all, it takes time to get used to changes, so be patient with yourself. Take things one day at a time, and soon enough, you’ll feel right at home in your new place. It’s important to remember that it takes time to adjust to a new environment rather than comparing yourself to others who seem to have seamlessly transitioned into their new home. Give yourself the space and grace to figure things out at your own pace.

Even small victories, like finding the nearest grocery store or making a new friend, should be celebrated. Before you know it, the place will start to feel like home as you settle in, don’t forget to also explore and try new things. Remember that it’s okay to feel a little out of place in the beginning; with patience and time, you’ll eventually feel right at home in your new place. Remember, just take it one step at a time.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for support from friends, family, or neighbours during this adjustment period; navigating a new home and lifestyle can be a smooth and enjoyable process.

19. Get Involved in Your Community

Moving to a new community can be both exciting and intimidating. It can be difficult to feel settled and at home, especially if you don’t know many people.

One of the best ways to speed up the process is to get involved in your community. Attending events or joining local clubs, or organisations is a great way to meet like-minded individuals and establish connections in your new neighbourhood. Volunteering is also a fantastic way to make a difference in your community while getting to know the people who live there. It’s important to feel connected to your community, and one of the best ways to do that is to get involved.

Whichever way you choose to get involved, you’ll be sure to meet new people and feel more at home in your new community. Finding your place in the community can be a challenging task, but one of the best ways to do this is by getting involved. But it also allows you to learn about the issues it may be facing and discover hidden gems within the area.

So next time you’re feeling lost in your new home, consider getting involved in your community—it’s certain to leave you feeling more connected and at home.

20. Stay Positive

As with any major life event, buying a new home can come with its fair share of stress and frustration. It can be easy to focus on the negative aspects of the process, such as the long paperwork or unexpected expenses.

However, it’s important to remember that buying a new home is also an exciting and positive experience. As you focus on settling into your new space and getting to know your community, make sure to focus on the good things about your new home and surroundings.

See it as an opportunity for growth and exploration rather than just another move from one place to another. Staying positive throughout the process will not only help mitigate stress, but it will also make for a more enjoyable overall experience. So embrace the excitement of starting fresh in your new home and don’t let any challenges overshadow the positives. Remind yourself that this is an exciting journey and a chance for personal growth. It may take some time for everything to fall into place, but try not to let negative emotions cloud the experience.

By staying positive, you allow yourself the opportunity to make the most out of your new environment and enjoy all it has to offer. From finding the perfect home to settling into your new community, staying positive will help make the transition smoother and less stressful.

21. Be Prepared for Setbacks

When you’re moving, there’s always a chance that something will go wrong. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for setbacks and be flexible with your plans. Moving can be stressful, but being prepared for setbacks can help make the process go more smoothly.

Whether it’s a delayed moving lorry or a change in your budget, being flexible with your plans will help you stay calm and focused. This doesn’t mean giving up on your end goal or throwing out all of your organisation. But rather, being prepared for any unexpected bumps in the road and knowing how to handle them efficiently Maybe that means having an extra set of boxes just in case or keeping spare change on hand for emergencies. It’s important to remember that even the most meticulous planning can’t prevent every problem, so take a deep breath and approach any hiccups with a level head.

Keeping a positive attitude and being willing to adapt will ultimately make the entire moving experience smoother and less overwhelming. While it’s good to have a set schedule and checklist for packing and getting settled, it’s critical to be prepared for potential setbacks. Staying calm and focused under pressure will make the whole experience much easier to remember. Things might not always go according to plan during a move, but as long as you stay prepared and adaptable, you’ll be able to handle any bumps in the road.

So take a deep breath and relax; everything will eventually come together, and if you need any help during the process, our team is always here for you if you have any questions as well.

22. Reward Yourself

After days, weeks, or even months of searching, packing, unpacking, and moving, you’ve finally settled into your new home. When you put in the time and effort to accomplish a big goal, it’s essential to celebrate and treat yourself. Not only will it help you relax and enjoy your well-deserved accomplishment, but it can also serve as motivation for future endeavours.

Choosing a personally meaningful reward will also help make the experience even more special. So take a moment and think about how you want to celebrate this exciting chapter in your life. After all, you deserve it. It may seem counterintuitive to spend money on a reward after a major expense like buying a new home, but it can help improve your overall well-being and enjoyment of the space.

After all the hard work that goes into finding and purchasing a new home, don’t you deserve something special? The unpacking may not be completely done yet, but it’s time to treat yourself for all of the hard work. Take a day off for some much-needed rest and relaxation, or take a night off to enjoy a night out with friends in your new neighbourhood. Maybe even splurge on that expensive item you’ve had your eye on for the new house.

Whatever you choose, remember that you deserve it after all the effort you put into finding and moving into your new home. Your hard work deserves it; not only will you feel relaxed and refreshed, but you’ll also be grateful for all the effort you put in to make your new house a home.


The process of moving can be overwhelming, but with the right tips and advice, you can make it through.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or need help settling into your new home, don’t hesitate to contact family, friends, or a professional for assistance. We understand how difficult this transition can be at Wild and Lye Removals and are here to help.

Contact us today for more information about our services or to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you make your new house feel like home.