Welcome to our comprehensive guide focused on house removals, specifically designed to cater to the needs and safety of our beloved pets. Moving is a significant event in our lives, filled with hustle and bustle. It’s an upheaval that can be stressful for everyone involved, including our furry friends.

Unlike us, our pets may not understand the changes happening around them. This unfamiliarity can lead to anxiety and stress, which could manifest in a change in their behaviour or eating habits. Recognising this, we have curated a guide that provides six key strategies to ensure a safe and comfortable move for your pets. Each strategy addresses various aspects of moving, from the early stages of preparation to settling into the new home.

We aim to support you in making this transition as smooth as possible for your pets, reducing their anxiety and ensuring their well-being.

Preparing Your Pet for the Move

Before the move, preparing your pet is a crucial step. This involves acclimating them to the moving process and maintaining their routine. It’s about gradually helping them adjust to the changes and ensuring they feel secure amidst the whirlwind of packing and shifting.

Acclimating Your Pet

When preparing for a move, one of the most critical aspects is acclimating your pet to the impending changes. This step involves familiarising them with the moving process and gradually helping them adjust to the new environment.

Start by introducing them to the moving boxes. Allow them to sniff around and explore these new items in their space. This can help reduce their anxiety about unfamiliar objects. Next, begin packing their belongings. However, ensure this is done last so they can retain some sense of normality as long as possible.

Maintaining your pet’s routine is also crucial during this time. Keep their feeding times consistent and ensure their regular walks or playtime continue. Amidst the chaos of moving, these familiar routines provide a sense of security and comfort. Shower them with extra attention and reassurance. This will remind them that your love and care remain constant despite the changes around them.

Remember, patience is vital while acclimating your pet to the moving process. It might take some time, but your pet can navigate this change successfully with gentle guidance and reassurance.

Maintaining Their Routine

It’s crucial to keep your pet’s routine consistent when preparing for a move.

Amidst the upheaval, a stable routine gives your pet a sense of normality and security. This involves sticking to regular feeding times as closely as possible. If your pet is used to eating at specific times, maintain this schedule throughout the moving process. Ensure their exercise regime remains unchanged.

Regular walks or playtime should continue as usual. These familiar activities provide not only physical stimulation but also mental comfort during this unsettling period. Remember to give them the same amount of attention and affection they are used to. Despite the chaos of moving, finding time to cuddle or play with your pet is essential, reassuring them with your presence.

Adjustments can be challenging for pets, but maintaining their routine can significantly ease their stress and anxiety.

Packing a Pet Essentials Box

Packing a box with all your pet’s essentials during the first few days in your new home is vital. This box should include food, water, bowls, toys, bedding, and necessary medications. It’s their survival kit during this transition period.

Food and Water

Ensuring your pet’s dietary needs are met during the move is crucial. This involves maintaining their regular feeding schedule and providing familiar food and water. Doing so minimises the risk of digestive issues from sudden diet or meal timing changes.

Pack enough food for the journey and the first few days after the move. If you’re driving to your new home, take frequent breaks to offer your pet water and small amounts of food. This helps prevent dehydration and keeps their energy levels stable.

Once you’ve moved, introduce any new food gradually, mixing it with their usual food to avoid upsetting their stomach. Remember, amidst the stress of moving, maintaining your pet’s regular eating and drinking habits can provide a sense of comfort and normality.

Comfort Items

One of the best ways to ease your pet’s anxiety during a move is by providing familiar comfort items. These could include their favourite toys, blankets, or bedding.

These items can give a sense of familiarity and security amidst the new surroundings. Pack these items last so they can be easily accessed during the journey. If you’re moving a long distance, ensure these items are within reach in your vehicle. This lets you comfort your pet immediately if they become anxious or restless. Once you’ve moved, immediately set up a space with these comfort items. This will give your pet a safe place to relax and adjust to their new environment.

Remember, these familiar items can make a significant difference in helping your pet feel at home in their new surroundings.

Creating a Safe Space on Moving Day

Moving days can be chaotic, filled with noise and constant movement. Creating a quiet, safe space filled with familiar items is vital to keep your pet safe and calm amidst this chaos. This space serves as their sanctuary during the hectic move.

Choosing the Space

Selecting a suitable space for your pet in your new home is crucial to their comfort and adaptation. Ideally, this should be a quiet area where they can retreat from the chaos of the move and feel secure.

Before moving, identify a room or area in your new home that will serve as your pet’s haven. This space should be away from high-traffic areas and have easy access to food, water, and a litter box if they have one. Once you’ve moved, set up this space with familiar items like bedding, toys, and feeding bowls. This will help them associate the new area with comfort and security.

Remember, choosing a suitable space for your pet plays a significant role in adjusting to their new environment.

Travel Safely with Your Pet

Whether you’re moving a short distance or across the country, ensuring your pet travels safely is crucial. This involves using a secure, well-ventilated carrier, taking regular breaks, and never leaving your pet unattended in a vehicle.

Secure Carrier

Ensuring your pet’s safety during the move involves investing in a secure carrier. This is particularly important if you’re travelling by car or plane, as it keeps your pet safe and reduces their anxiety during transit.

When choosing a carrier, consider the size of your pet. It should be spacious enough for them to stand, turn around, and lie comfortably. Also, ensure it’s well-ventilated and has secure locks to prevent accidental escapes. Introduce the carrier to your pet well before the move. Allow them to explore it at their own pace, placing their favourite toys or blankets inside to create a positive association.

Remember, a secure carrier ensures your pet’s safety during the move and provides them with a familiar space that can help reduce stress.

Settling into the New Home

It will take time for your pet to adjust to their new environment is another key aspect of a successful move. This involves setting up a familiar space immediately upon arrival, maintaining their routines and giving them plenty of attention and reassurance.

Setting Up Their Space

Once you’ve moved into your new home, one of the first tasks should be setting up a space for your pet. This familiar area will help them adjust to their new environment and provide security amidst all the changes.

Begin by placing their comfort items in the chosen area. These could include their bedding, favourite toys, and feeding bowls. If your pet has a preferred blanket or cushion, ensure this is part of their new space. Familiar scents can provide a lot of comfort to a confused or anxious pet. Next, ensure their food and water are easily accessible, and if they use a litter box, this should also be placed in a familiar location.

Remember, setting up their space as soon as possible can help your pet feel more at home in their new surroundings.

Monitoring Your Pet Post-Move

After the move, it’s essential to closely monitor your pet for any changes in behaviour or appetite. This helps them adjust well to their new surroundings and allows early detection of potential issues that might need veterinary attention.

Health Checks

Before embarking on a move, ensuring your pet is in good health is essential. Schedule a visit to the vet for a routine check-up and to update any necessary vaccinations. This provides reassurance about your pet’s health and enables you to seek professional advice regarding moving with your pet. If your pet is prone to anxiety or motion sickness, this would be an excellent time to discuss potential solutions with your vet. They may recommend certain medications or techniques to help manage these issues during the move.

Ensure your pet’s microchip information and ID tags are updated with your new address. This can be crucial in case your pet becomes lost during the move. Taking proactive steps to ensure your pet’s health and safety is integral to a successful move.


Moving with pets doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience. With careful planning, patience, and consideration for their needs, you can turn a potentially stressful situation into a smoother transition for your furry friends. The strategies we provided in this guide are designed to help you at each stage of the moving process.

From preparing your pet for the move and packing an essentials box to creating a safe space on moving day, ensuring safe travel, helping them settle into the new home, and monitoring their adjustment post-move, each step is crucial in ensuring a successful move with your pets.

Remember, our pets look to us for comfort and security, especially during times of change. Let’s make their journey as stress-free as possible.